Modern Web Hosting for Personal Projects

Background My personal web projects gone through various stages of web hosting. Starting with a fully hosted CompuServe page to running it on my dad’s ADSL connection. Since then I’ve been moving it back and forth between a little home server underneath my TV to a virtual machine on DigitalOcean. That’s been working well for a while, but recently I’ve been eager to try out a more modern web hosting platform for my personal projects....

August 28, 2021 · 3 min · Mike Cartmell

Thoughts on Go

Traditionally I’m a pretty late adopter of new trends, and Go has been out for something like 6 years now, so I figured it would be a good time to try it. I’ve been learning it for about 2 months; I’ve done dozens of Codility exercises, written a WebSocket server and a statusbar daemon, so I think I’ve given it a good go. My experience has been generally positive and I’ll definitely use it in future....

June 27, 2015 · 5 min · Mike Cartmell

Docker: first impressions

I’ve been wanting to try Docker ever since I saw a talk about it at Red Dot Ruby Conf. The idea of being able to build a container in development and ship it to staging, then production without any changes is extremely enticing, although I admit to being a little sceptical. Now I’ve implemented a Docker deployment process for the first time with one of my projects. Is Docker the holy grail of cloud deployment, or is it all just hype?...

November 16, 2014 · 7 min · Mike Cartmell